Prayer Chain Request

Please take time to pray for those who have come here in need..

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Tony Cornias from Parkville Md wrote on January 11, 2019 at 3:32 am
Have a problem starting back in 2017 I was attacked by a witch. It put me in the ICU and I was angel of the lord that gave me that revelation. I recovered and came home 2 nights later my 4 pound dog broke a lead for a 40 pound dog and I dislocated and broke my leg stopping him from getting hurt. Unfortunately I had extensive surgery on my leg, my ankle healed but the bone beneath my knee did not and now 6 type 23 titanium alloy screw that can hold over a 450 pounds each shattered and... Read more
Have a problem starting back in 2017 I was attacked by a witch. It put me in the ICU and I was angel of the lord that gave me that revelation. I recovered and came home 2 nights later my 4 pound dog broke a lead for a 40 pound dog and I dislocated and broke my leg stopping him from getting hurt. Unfortunately I had extensive surgery on my leg, my ankle healed but the bone beneath my knee did not and now 6 type 23 titanium alloy screw that can hold over a 450 pounds each shattered and my knee looks like an antipersonnel mine t went off inside my knee. I have surgery coming up soon and was just informed that the same demon is claiming credit for my leg not healing and the screw (all 6 shattering) So my surgery dig the screw bits out, recut my leg, pack with bioadhesive and stem cells. and finally put in an external fixator Ilizharov cage for 6-8 weeks. Well I was just informed they will attack me while under anesthesia. So I am looking for prayers I do not know my exact date except my doc has a hard schedule and sahe is rearranging everything to make time for me in the next 2 weeks. Worried I will die on the table so I am asking for help.... Collapse