Prayer Chain Request

Please take time to pray for those who have come here in need..

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anonymous wrote on October 20, 2019 at 1:39 pm
David and Kathy would have more faith and love and wisdom. My friend's and prayer partners have at least one item from the list above. Here is the other: Al and his prayer requests. I forgot all the specifics. Miranda and her 3 girls: Madison, Madeline, Meredith for more faith, love , hope, peace, power, growth, wisdom, protection; salvation for their father-- 1 silent request in reference to this. All my prayer partners and all my friend's prayer requests. Wisdom and love for me in all things in all ways for only God's reasons. God save mom and all members... Read more
David and Kathy would have more faith and love and wisdom. My friend's and prayer partners have at least one item from the list above. Here is the other: Al and his prayer requests. I forgot all the specifics. Miranda and her 3 girls: Madison, Madeline, Meredith for more faith, love , hope, peace, power, growth, wisdom, protection; salvation for their father-- 1 silent request in reference to this. All my prayer partners and all my friend's prayer requests. Wisdom and love for me in all things in all ways for only God's reasons. God save mom and all members of my family. Bret would stop drinking and doing drugs. Heather would continue to stay on the straight and narrow and fully surrender to Jesus. Isaiah and Savannah would get baptized, soon. Brenda would read her Bible. God would touch and speak to the following: Mia, Angie, Tony, Aaron, Ivan, Lina, How, Tyson, Jamia, Kevin's daughter, Gus, Donna, George, Donna, Gary, Helen, and Kenny. I need to study for just two more tests. God help me to stay focused. Keith and his church, the prayer wall at my church, the prayer boxes at both my friend's church. Anthony is a NYC detective--God help him. Allan is in jail. Isaac would remain focused and get into the cooking school at the tech school.... Collapse