Prayer Chain Request

Please take time to pray for those who have come here in need..

Submit Your Prayer Request


3181 entries.
jeremiah from box elder wrote on August 8, 2016 at 6:06 am
For god to heal my stomach and colon of h pylori.amen.
For god to heal my stomach and colon of h pylori.amen.... Collapse
Regz from Philippines wrote on August 7, 2016 at 7:10 am
Please pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM head and church and their families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. Covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media and false accusations and defamations and lawsuits, And no weapon formed against them will prosper.!
Please pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM head and church and their families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. Covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media and false accusations and defamations and lawsuits, And no weapon formed against them will prosper.!... Collapse
Maria Giglio from gillette wrote on August 6, 2016 at 7:14 pm
Please pray for our grandson Carter John who was born August 2, 2016 and didn't get enough oxygen while in the womb. As a result, he could have extension damage to his develop. Please pray hard for this little guy! Thank you
Please pray for our grandson Carter John who was born August 2, 2016 and didn't get enough oxygen while in the womb. As a result, he could have extension damage to his develop. Please pray hard for this little guy! Thank you... Collapse
Pat from Canon wrote on August 5, 2016 at 11:10 pm
Please ask God to heal my husband and to give him the desire to go to the Dr. To find out what is causing his shortness of breath and swelling.
Please ask God to heal my husband and to give him the desire to go to the Dr. To find out what is causing his shortness of breath and swelling.... Collapse
Sarah from St. Louis wrote on August 5, 2016 at 10:29 am
Please lift my daughter, Rachel, up in your prayers. She has just been diagnosed as having a serious mental disorder and is very depressed and suicidal. Please ask God to receive His salvation and to give her hope. Thank you, and may God richly bless you.
Please lift my daughter, Rachel, up in your prayers. She has just been diagnosed as having a serious mental disorder and is very depressed and suicidal. Please ask God to receive His salvation and to give her hope. Thank you, and may God richly bless you.... Collapse
Cynthia from Lima wrote on August 5, 2016 at 2:11 am
Please pray for my son Lucas, he started a new job, was promised certain amount of sales, and two guys (Marcus and Chuck) who have been there longer are cheating him out of his fair share. That his boss will see it. Lucas cannot make enough money to live on. As his mother I am quite concerned.
Please pray for my son Lucas, he started a new job, was promised certain amount of sales, and two guys (Marcus and Chuck) who have been there longer are cheating him out of his fair share. That his boss will see it. Lucas cannot make enough money to live on. As his mother I am quite concerned.... Collapse
Mrs Bobby Perry from Baytown wrote on August 5, 2016 at 2:08 am
Please come into agreement with my husband and I for a financial miracle! We are Pastors and we have always been givers, we tithe, sew seeds, and have always blessed others! We are now facing the biggest financial attack in both the ministry and our home that we have ever encountered! We believe Matthew 18:19 Thank you and may God bless you even the more as you agree with us!!
Please come into agreement with my husband and I for a financial miracle! We are Pastors and we have always been givers, we tithe, sew seeds, and have always blessed others! We are now facing the biggest financial attack in both the ministry and our home that we have ever encountered! We believe Matthew 18:19 Thank you and may God bless you even the more as you agree with us!!... Collapse
hector sanchez from valencia wrote on August 4, 2016 at 7:00 pm
please pray for me because i suffer because of psychological self sabotage ( i am attending to a psichiatrist and to a psychologist ) and i am needing to solve this problem into me, this is an urgent need, my name is hector maria sanchez and i write you from valencia city, venezuela
please pray for me because i suffer because of psychological self sabotage ( i am attending to a psichiatrist and to a psychologist ) and i am needing to solve this problem into me, this is an urgent need, my name is hector maria sanchez and i write you from valencia city, venezuela... Collapse
Mike from Bismark wrote on August 3, 2016 at 11:54 pm
Please pray for my marriage
Please pray for my marriage... Collapse
Alfred O. Brown Jr from Machias, Me wrote on August 3, 2016 at 6:16 pm
Prayer Request: Please pray for me.I need your healing prayers.I am 68 years old. I suffer from heart problems and diabetes. Diabetes has caused kidney problems and liver problems( I do not drink or smoke) I will be most happy for your help in prayer. Please pray for my miracle. I also suffer from Depression and anxiety.This has a great deal of problems.. Pray for peace-peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul!!! Please ask everyone to pray for me. Thank You, Alfred O. Brown Jr.
Prayer Request: Please pray for me.I need your healing prayers.I am 68 years old. I suffer from heart problems and diabetes. Diabetes has caused kidney problems and liver problems( I do not drink or smoke) I will be most happy for your help in prayer. Please pray for my miracle. I also suffer from Depression and anxiety.This has a great deal of problems.. Pray for peace-peace of mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul!!! Please ask everyone to pray for me. Thank You, Alfred O. Brown Jr.... Collapse
Karen from Longwood wrote on August 3, 2016 at 12:59 am
For Noranne & Gene: their 90 yr.old-house finally has an offer after 2 yrs. on the market--- contingent on an inspection. Please Lord allow the inspection to go well so this older couple may move to a 1 story dwelling.
For Noranne & Gene: their 90 yr.old-house finally has an offer after 2 yrs. on the market--- contingent on an inspection. Please Lord allow the inspection to go well so this older couple may move to a 1 story dwelling.... Collapse
Martha from Oxnard wrote on August 3, 2016 at 12:53 am
Miracle I want everyone to know that God makes miracles happen every day, and that He does hear prayers.  My cousin Maria was told that thy did not find a heart beat on the baby, she is 8months. Pray for a miracle that tomorrow before they induce her Gods glory would be displayed.
Miracle I want everyone to know that God makes miracles happen every day, and that He does hear prayers.  My cousin Maria was told that thy did not find a heart beat on the baby, she is 8months. Pray for a miracle that tomorrow before they induce her Gods glory would be displayed.... Collapse
Ignatius wrote on August 1, 2016 at 11:01 pm
Please pray so Father in Heaven has mercy on me, my family, my children's and descendants. Has mercy and forgive my ancestors deceased, my families and relatives deceased, and the soul of my mother. Has mercy also for the soul of my father. I am very poor. My father passed away last week. I need a lot of miracles and expenses for have a debt to take care of father's passing.
Please pray so Father in Heaven has mercy on me, my family, my children's and descendants. Has mercy and forgive my ancestors deceased, my families and relatives deceased, and the soul of my mother. Has mercy also for the soul of my father. I am very poor. My father passed away last week. I need a lot of miracles and expenses for have a debt to take care of father's passing.... Collapse
Grace from Columbus wrote on August 1, 2016 at 2:29 pm
Father, thank you for everything Praising you we humbly ask that you grant us safety in travel, asking Lord that we don't waste any part of our life or what You have given -grant us success to the work of our hands Ps90:17, enable us to make the most of time, resources, guard words, also have opportunities to touch lives, we plead blood of Jesus over family, allliving thing in home education,health,vehicles,job,home favor protection In Jesus Name AMEN Ps121,Is54:17, 1Jn4:4,2Thess 3:2-3, Rev1:5
Father, thank you for everything Praising you we humbly ask that you grant us safety in travel, asking Lord that we don't waste any part of our life or what You have given -grant us success to the work of our hands Ps90:17, enable us to make the most of time, resources, guard words, also have opportunities to touch lives, we plead blood of Jesus over family, allliving thing in home education,health,vehicles,job,home favor protection In Jesus Name AMEN Ps121,Is54:17, 1Jn4:4,2Thess 3:2-3, Rev1:5... Collapse
Rei Nakajima from Marikina wrote on August 1, 2016 at 4:19 am
Lord Jesus I would like to pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM group and families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media. And no weapon formed against them will prosper. May their enemies never prevail against them. heal them in all areas that need healing. I pray That there will be no... Read more
Lord Jesus I would like to pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM group and families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media. And no weapon formed against them will prosper. May their enemies never prevail against them. heal them in all areas that need healing. I pray That there will be no form of defamation and destruction against their lives. I pray that you will protect them from harm. May You grant them peace and Prosperity in all areas, may they have favor in your sight and in the Sight of men and all governments. All of this we ask in Jesus name. In Jesus name.... Collapse
Be from FL wrote on August 1, 2016 at 3:42 am
Prayer for absolute safety for Be as she travels in the next couple of weeks. Prayer for Melva for absolute healing. Let everyone and everything around her be focused on her complete healing and recovery. Thank you God. And so it is. Amen!!!
Prayer for absolute safety for Be as she travels in the next couple of weeks. Prayer for Melva for absolute healing. Let everyone and everything around her be focused on her complete healing and recovery. Thank you God. And so it is. Amen!!!... Collapse
Gerard Ordunia from PHILADELPHIA wrote on July 31, 2016 at 7:41 pm
Please pray I receive a job offer from a company I have interviewed with 3 times now. Thanks
Please pray I receive a job offer from a company I have interviewed with 3 times now. Thanks... Collapse
Jose Otero from SPAIN wrote on July 30, 2016 at 6:05 pm
Hello please pray for my dad Jise otero who had a cat scan that showed a mass in his brain and lungs, please pray is not cancerous and something residual from a past surgerye etc. my dad is such a caring man and he doesn't deserve this he has been though so much already medically wise. Please flag he's cancer free! Thank u so much!!!!
Hello please pray for my dad Jise otero who had a cat scan that showed a mass in his brain and lungs, please pray is not cancerous and something residual from a past surgerye etc. my dad is such a caring man and he doesn't deserve this he has been though so much already medically wise. Please flag he's cancer free! Thank u so much!!!!... Collapse
Natasha Denee Avritt from portland wrote on July 30, 2016 at 3:31 pm
We need prayer for my grandson jelani sims ...he fell in the pool yesterday and almost drowned and now hes in the hospital in intensive care.....hes doing better but we are worried about his lungs ....please prsy healing intohis little body he a year old.
We need prayer for my grandson jelani sims ...he fell in the pool yesterday and almost drowned and now hes in the hospital in intensive care.....hes doing better but we are worried about his lungs ....please prsy healing intohis little body he a year old.... Collapse
Arlessa Apperson from Puyallup wrote on July 30, 2016 at 6:05 am
For my intestines that feel like I have an internal hinge that controls when and how much I can use the bathroom which blocks the flow of stool exiting out of my body to be removed. If it is something satanic like an evil person that is controlling it, that God takes over their life if it is in his plan. If it is a child of Satan controlling it, I ask for the person to be sent back to their father of it is accordance with God's will. I pray that God frees my family from the evil that... Read more
For my intestines that feel like I have an internal hinge that controls when and how much I can use the bathroom which blocks the flow of stool exiting out of my body to be removed. If it is something satanic like an evil person that is controlling it, that God takes over their life if it is in his plan. If it is a child of Satan controlling it, I ask for the person to be sent back to their father of it is accordance with God's will. I pray that God frees my family from the evil that surrounds us. I ask for full protection mind, body, thoughts, soul, and environment from evil. When we are to weak that he is our shelter and will provide usc shelter from all evils. I have had explosions near my family. Knives almost pulled on me. A child from rape who was molested from the same guy. A hike to be eaten alive. My schooling taken from me. I have been stocked. Physically abused and emotionally abused. Bad mouthed by a bunch of different people. Uncalled for CPS cases. National shortage on iv fluids according to an er. Gassed. Unasked for dental work that was not needed to make my teeth horrible without consent while sleeping in my house. My window opened in the middle of the night. Device installed to increase my heart rate. Something to make me very very dizzy. Gassed again. Damages around my house. Sensor devices altered to not make noise. God knows what they call "karma". 80+deaths. I'm not allowed to date. I'm not terminal but someone is trying to make me look like I am. Murder is not condoned from God.... Collapse
Alisha Parmar from Leicester wrote on July 29, 2016 at 9:56 am
Please pray for my Daughter aged 5 Alisha has caught Gullian barr syndrome and has been now in hospital for 8 months. she is now left paralysed from neck down....pleasse heal and beless my daughter for full recovery please let there be a miracle today.....please remove all sickness all disease all negative spirits and negative forces right now and let her be healed in the name of god....thank you thank you thank you lord
Please pray for my Daughter aged 5 Alisha has caught Gullian barr syndrome and has been now in hospital for 8 months. she is now left paralysed from neck down....pleasse heal and beless my daughter for full recovery please let there be a miracle today.....please remove all sickness all disease all negative spirits and negative forces right now and let her be healed in the name of god....thank you thank you thank you lord... Collapse
Diana from EL CAMPO wrote on July 29, 2016 at 1:35 am
Dear Jesus,please help me to make myself to overcome my panuc attack
Dear Jesus,please help me to make myself to overcome my panuc attack... Collapse
Ashley J from Lynwood wrote on July 28, 2016 at 8:47 pm
I pray for deliverance from demonic oppression or possession. I pray for deliverance in all areas of my life including my family. I am not feeling well and I need some help. I do not like myself and in a relationship I am not happy in. My mind feels horrible and it's bad depression. Please Pray for me. I cannot find a job and I am suffering with sin. I cannot read my bible, pray or worship. I feel like I am dying Lord and help seems so far away. Where is this come from? Is it me? Please send... Read more
I pray for deliverance from demonic oppression or possession. I pray for deliverance in all areas of my life including my family. I am not feeling well and I need some help. I do not like myself and in a relationship I am not happy in. My mind feels horrible and it's bad depression. Please Pray for me. I cannot find a job and I am suffering with sin. I cannot read my bible, pray or worship. I feel like I am dying Lord and help seems so far away. Where is this come from? Is it me? Please send help. I feel like I am losing my faith and having doubt. And question my salvation. In Jesus Name Amen... Collapse
MARY from ERIE wrote on July 27, 2016 at 6:08 pm
PRAYERS NEEDED!!! My daughter in law's Dad who is a Deputy Sheriff in Montana was attacked and stabbed MULTIPLE times, many of them life threatening... he's being airlifted to Great Falls as I write this... Please pray he not only lives but is healed TOTALLY!!! FATHER, IN JESUS NAME WE COME BEFORE YOU PRAYING FOR ALLEN'S COMPLETE AND TOTAL HEALING, RESTORING HIM TO HIS FAMILY!!! WE PRAY THIS HEALING OVER HIM AND THAT IT BE A WITNESS TO YOUR LOVE, MERCY AND POWER OVER ALL... JESUS, SEND YOUR HOLY SPIRIT TO BRING PEACE AND COMFORT TO AMANDA AND HER MOM... Read more
Mo Russ from Pompton Plains wrote on July 27, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Lord, please lift up Jim O. your faithful servant as he undergoes brain surgery beginning in 2 minutes, as you well know. Dear Lord, many are praying in his name. Please give the surgeons the skill and strength they need, please give those who assist the knowledge and focus they need. Please give his wife Kerri and his 3 children the comfort they need at this very very difficult time. You will be done, of course, in all things. I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, your son. Amen
Lord, please lift up Jim O. your faithful servant as he undergoes brain surgery beginning in 2 minutes, as you well know. Dear Lord, many are praying in his name. Please give the surgeons the skill and strength they need, please give those who assist the knowledge and focus they need. Please give his wife Kerri and his 3 children the comfort they need at this very very difficult time. You will be done, of course, in all things. I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, your son. Amen... Collapse
Reg from manila wrote on July 27, 2016 at 4:00 pm
Please pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM head and church and their families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. Covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media and false accusations and defamations and lawsuits, And no weapon formed against them will prosper.! I pray that his ministry will once again flourish
Please pray for Pastor Regs and JTLGAM head and church and their families that you may grant them grace and mercy, forgiveness and restoration. may they be covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Put on them the Armor of God. Covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. May they Bloom in the Fruits of the Spirit. I pray that No form of Enemy Attacks will prosper against them using all types of media and false accusations and defamations and lawsuits, And no weapon formed against them will prosper.! I pray that his ministry will once again flourish... Collapse
marseln wrote on July 26, 2016 at 10:53 am
i pray that my daughter call n comes back changed good humble obedient loving take away all that is of grudge hatredx chalet her get seperated from them that hold her protect her from evil friends take away puja and brenda all those who teach her to be against us , stop her from going for the y.... st,.... n m..... let her not get conected to b.............or MAKE HER TO THINK OF HOME AND RETURN BACK GOOD UNITED TO A PRAYER LIFE AND HOLY JOYFUL TO BE WITH US LORD .
i pray that my daughter call n comes back changed good humble obedient loving take away all that is of grudge hatredx chalet her get seperated from them that hold her protect her from evil friends take away puja and brenda all those who teach her to be against us , stop her from going for the y.... st,.... n m..... let her not get conected to b.............or MAKE HER TO THINK OF HOME AND RETURN BACK GOOD UNITED TO A PRAYER LIFE AND HOLY JOYFUL TO BE WITH US LORD .... Collapse
cathy graham from mathiston wrote on July 25, 2016 at 8:52 pm
Pray for my daughter who has been sick we can claim healing and that her test results come back negative praise God
Pray for my daughter who has been sick we can claim healing and that her test results come back negative praise God... Collapse
Rona from Richmond wrote on July 25, 2016 at 3:37 am
Please pray for Tamara and Adam to find a good deal on a house which they could afford. Pray also for their protection while they drive back home to Louisiana.
Please pray for Tamara and Adam to find a good deal on a house which they could afford. Pray also for their protection while they drive back home to Louisiana.... Collapse
Caroline from Tulsa wrote on July 25, 2016 at 2:57 am
Please pray for my daughter and I to move to a good place, somewhere that we can be happy with family and friends. We can not decide whether to move to Ft Worth where my son is or Oklahoma City where my brothers are. Or maybe there is someplace better like Austin,where my son will move in fall 2017. We don't have any friends here, and I was laid off shortly after we moved here. Take us to a place where we can call home Dear lord. Pray that my employment will improve, for there was not much training where... Read more
Please pray for my daughter and I to move to a good place, somewhere that we can be happy with family and friends. We can not decide whether to move to Ft Worth where my son is or Oklahoma City where my brothers are. Or maybe there is someplace better like Austin,where my son will move in fall 2017. We don't have any friends here, and I was laid off shortly after we moved here. Take us to a place where we can call home Dear lord. Pray that my employment will improve, for there was not much training where I am and sometimes I am struggling. Pray for me to have security in my job. Pray for mine and my daughter's health improve and for us to live a healthy lifestyle. Amen... Collapse