Prayer Chain Request

Please take time to pray for those who have come here in need..

Submit Your Prayer Request


3181 entries.
wally hostetter from Lake Orion wrote on April 23, 2024 at 10:10 pm
Our daughter Katie, has issues at the school where she teaches. They’re wanting to change her schedule for next year. She is under physical and mental stress. She may need to find a new place to live closer to the school. And her body is still in pain from the accident it last August. Please pray for her.
Our daughter Katie, has issues at the school where she teaches. They’re wanting to change her schedule for next year. She is under physical and mental stress. She may need to find a new place to live closer to the school. And her body is still in pain from the accident it last August. Please pray for her.... Collapse
Tan Popatas from Bangkok wrote on April 23, 2024 at 7:42 am
I need forgiveness from my nemesises and totally all of them. They almost forgive me. Please help.
I need forgiveness from my nemesises and totally all of them. They almost forgive me. Please help.... Collapse
B from Fl wrote on April 23, 2024 at 2:34 am
Prayer for absolute safety,, good health, prosperity and protection for John, Carole, Be, Silas and Melva. Thank you for God’s divine blessings. And so it is Amen!
Prayer for absolute safety,, good health, prosperity and protection for John, Carole, Be, Silas and Melva. Thank you for God’s divine blessings. And so it is Amen!... Collapse
Caroline from COLUMBUS GA wrote on April 23, 2024 at 12:23 am
Please pray that the inspection of my house will be good and pass. Surround us with your angels. Amen
Please pray that the inspection of my house will be good and pass. Surround us with your angels. Amen... Collapse
Caroline Wicker from COLUMBUS wrote on April 22, 2024 at 4:43 pm
please pray that the appraiser will appraise our house around listing price. Surround us with your angels. Amen
please pray that the appraiser will appraise our house around listing price. Surround us with your angels. Amen... Collapse
JM wrote on April 22, 2024 at 2:43 pm
Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27) Please Lord help this woman who has 3 children she needs the You in her life for her sobriety and another matter for her childrens sake.
Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27) Please Lord help this woman who has 3 children she needs the You in her life for her sobriety and another matter for her childrens sake.... Collapse
Marie wrote on April 20, 2024 at 6:15 pm
"Do not cast me away at the time of my old age; Do not abandon me when my strength fails." (Psalms 71:9) Thank You for Your Word Please grant Your Mercy, healing, rescue, comfort, and provision for all PK 's needs. She is in nursing home and is suffering many health issues. Please have Mercy on all in this nursing home and all nursing homes in Jesus Name Amen.
"Do not cast me away at the time of my old age; Do not abandon me when my strength fails." (Psalms 71:9) Thank You for Your Word Please grant Your Mercy, healing, rescue, comfort, and provision for all PK 's needs. She is in nursing home and is suffering many health issues. Please have Mercy on all in this nursing home and all nursing homes in Jesus Name Amen.... Collapse
Anonymous anonymous wrote on April 20, 2024 at 2:33 am
I am asking for prayers for good health. I am praying for good health. Please pray to Our Dear Lord and His Blessed Mother for good health. Please pray for my health to be good and clean and clear. Please pray to St Padre Pio for my good health.
I am asking for prayers for good health. I am praying for good health. Please pray to Our Dear Lord and His Blessed Mother for good health. Please pray for my health to be good and clean and clear. Please pray to St Padre Pio for my good health.... Collapse
Kelli D from Columbus Ga wrote on April 19, 2024 at 3:02 am
Pray for a Cancer free report. To be healed in Jesus name. Amen
Pray for a Cancer free report. To be healed in Jesus name. Amen... Collapse
Wally from Lake Orion wrote on April 17, 2024 at 12:15 am
Pray for Linda pain in her side and for energy. Thanks
Pray for Linda pain in her side and for energy. Thanks... Collapse
N from Cocoa wrote on April 14, 2024 at 11:52 pm
Please pray that D is successful with his new business change.
Please pray that D is successful with his new business change.... Collapse
N from Satellite wrote on April 14, 2024 at 11:51 pm
Please pray that the doctors diagnose correctly D's health problems and that they cure him. Please pray that God gives D faith, strength and courage to deal with this.
Please pray that the doctors diagnose correctly D's health problems and that they cure him. Please pray that God gives D faith, strength and courage to deal with this.... Collapse
jim from vancouver wrote on April 13, 2024 at 6:38 pm
please pray me as my car tires were slashed on friday..and having a hard time getting tires ..please pray i get tires and can go back to work on monday..thanks
please pray me as my car tires were slashed on friday..and having a hard time getting tires ..please pray i get tires and can go back to work on monday..thanks... Collapse
James White from Jackson wrote on April 12, 2024 at 11:49 pm
Hello I am praying earnestly for GOD to give me a wife. I have the need for someone in my life..I am interested in a lady but due to the world we live in today. Do not want to be accused of harrassment etc. However, I have some unusual occurrences happen after prayer about it. Including running into her leaving a store that I was going in. Right after I was praying. Her name is Deanna. Anyway, pray GOD gives me direct revelation if she is the one and somehow makes it work out. Prays she shows real interest and... Read more
Hello I am praying earnestly for GOD to give me a wife. I have the need for someone in my life..I am interested in a lady but due to the world we live in today. Do not want to be accused of harrassment etc. However, I have some unusual occurrences happen after prayer about it. Including running into her leaving a store that I was going in. Right after I was praying. Her name is Deanna. Anyway, pray GOD gives me direct revelation if she is the one and somehow makes it work out. Prays she shows real interest and some friends or someone connect us. Pray for me as I am not good in social interaction. But desire to have a wife and family with all my heart. Pray Deanna sees me different and we grow closer somehow...Pray GOD gives me a spouse Soon..thank u this is my one heart desire...Pray GOD grants me this and prospers me......if she is the one....Somehow connects us...Pray for me to get married thank u...soon.. Please pray for the devil and his lies to stop invading my mind. Pray I can hear GOD obtain revelation and have peace in my life...thank u...... Collapse
rose karapandi from Gibsonia wrote on April 10, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Please heal me and allow me to remain with my family a while longer. In Jesus name
Please heal me and allow me to remain with my family a while longer. In Jesus name... Collapse
Caroline from COLUMBUS GA wrote on April 10, 2024 at 7:07 pm
Please pray that my house will sell soon with a high bid. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly so we can pack up and leave. Keep us safe on the way there. Dear lord surround us with your angels, protect us and help us prosper. Amen
Please pray that my house will sell soon with a high bid. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly so we can pack up and leave. Keep us safe on the way there. Dear lord surround us with your angels, protect us and help us prosper. Amen... Collapse
B from Fl wrote on April 9, 2024 at 11:52 am
Prayer for absolute great health and healing for John, Be, Melva, Carole and those close to their hearts. May their minds and bodies be filled with God’s divine light and healing energy. Thank you God. And so it is! Amen!
Prayer for absolute great health and healing for John, Be, Melva, Carole and those close to their hearts. May their minds and bodies be filled with God’s divine light and healing energy. Thank you God. And so it is! Amen!... Collapse
Shanna from Canton Ohio wrote on April 8, 2024 at 10:34 pm
That God Almighty will open my father's eyes to being the father He needs him to be, the Grandfather He needs him to be, the Uncle He needs him to be, the brother and husband He needs him to be and most importantly the Shepherd He needs him to be. Thank you and God bless you 💖
That God Almighty will open my father's eyes to being the father He needs him to be, the Grandfather He needs him to be, the Uncle He needs him to be, the brother and husband He needs him to be and most importantly the Shepherd He needs him to be. Thank you and God bless you 💖... Collapse
wally Hostetter from Lake Orion wrote on April 7, 2024 at 5:38 pm
My family members are sick. Dave and Emma with their three kids, Ayla, Cove and Cosette. They, along with my wife, Linda and I all have a respiratory illness and diarrhea. Please pray for a quick recovery Thank you.
My family members are sick. Dave and Emma with their three kids, Ayla, Cove and Cosette. They, along with my wife, Linda and I all have a respiratory illness and diarrhea. Please pray for a quick recovery Thank you.... Collapse
Nicholas wrote on April 6, 2024 at 6:29 pm
Please help me regain sexual functions and recover from any injuries I'm begging you
Please help me regain sexual functions and recover from any injuries I'm begging you... Collapse
Sharon Creager from Bigelow wrote on April 6, 2024 at 2:06 am
Please pray for my friend, Mark, he is suffering from spine deterioration and severe vision impairments,,, he knows Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and helps others when ever he is able.
Please pray for my friend, Mark, he is suffering from spine deterioration and severe vision impairments,,, he knows Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and helps others when ever he is able.... Collapse
N from Cocoa wrote on April 5, 2024 at 7:14 pm
Please pray for D's medical procedure, a correct diagnosis and a cure. Please pray for D's new job and business. Thank you.
Please pray for D's medical procedure, a correct diagnosis and a cure. Please pray for D's new job and business. Thank you.... Collapse
wally Hostetter from Lake Orion wrote on April 3, 2024 at 5:52 pm
My good friend Terrell has just been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. He will find out his treatment later this week. Please pray for him.
My good friend Terrell has just been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. He will find out his treatment later this week. Please pray for him.... Collapse
wally Hostetter from Lake Orion wrote on April 3, 2024 at 5:50 pm
My wife, Linda, has the flu. She is immune compromised. Please pray for a fast healing. Thank you
My wife, Linda, has the flu. She is immune compromised. Please pray for a fast healing. Thank you... Collapse
wally hostetter from Lake Orion wrote on March 30, 2024 at 5:10 pm
Linda is not feeling well. Please pray for her
Linda is not feeling well. Please pray for her... Collapse
BhoblhabinyKX from Detroit wrote on March 28, 2024 at 10:39 pm
I was genuinely itching to fix it some wager some well-to-do on some sports matches that are happening auspicious now. I wanted to let you guys know that I did understand what I consider to be the a-one orientation in the USA. If you want to get in on the engagement, authenticate it out-moded: online gambling for money
I was genuinely itching to fix it some wager some well-to-do on some sports matches that are happening auspicious now. I wanted to let you guys know that I did understand what I consider to be the a-one orientation in the USA. If you want to get in on the engagement, authenticate it out-moded: online gambling for money... Collapse
KguaooabinyKX from Detroit wrote on March 26, 2024 at 4:44 pm
I was in reality itching to get some wager some money on some sports matches that are happening right now. I wanted to let you guys be familiar with that I did spot what I weigh to be the trounce orientation in the USA. If you want to bring back in on the engagement, check it out: real money online casino
I was in reality itching to get some wager some money on some sports matches that are happening right now. I wanted to let you guys be familiar with that I did spot what I weigh to be the trounce orientation in the USA. If you want to bring back in on the engagement, check it out: real money online casino... Collapse
Deb B from Graham wrote on March 21, 2024 at 11:54 am
Please keep Jim in prayer for esophagus problems. May have cancer but not sure yet. Heavy smoker. Pray he stops smoking to help himself and for good outcome from his next medical appointment. Thank you.
Please keep Jim in prayer for esophagus problems. May have cancer but not sure yet. Heavy smoker. Pray he stops smoking to help himself and for good outcome from his next medical appointment. Thank you.... Collapse
Deb B  from Graham, NC wrote on March 21, 2024 at 11:52 am
Asking for prayer warriors to join me in praying for H's deliverance from alcohol addiction. Praying in the name of Jesus. Thank you.
Asking for prayer warriors to join me in praying for H's deliverance from alcohol addiction. Praying in the name of Jesus. Thank you.... Collapse
Caroline Wicker from COLUMBUS wrote on March 19, 2024 at 8:48 pm
Please pray that my house will sell soon. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly ro pack up and leave and on the drive there we will keep safe. Dear lord surround us with your angels and help us prosper. Amen
Please pray that my house will sell soon. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly ro pack up and leave and on the drive there we will keep safe. Dear lord surround us with your angels and help us prosper. Amen... Collapse