Prayer Chain Request

Please take time to pray for those who have come here in need..

Submit Your Prayer Request


3181 entries.
Berna from Ansonia wrote on November 30, 2016 at 1:21 am
Please pray for my husband alcoholic about my finances to pay off
Please pray for my husband alcoholic about my finances to pay off... Collapse
Brenda from Wolsey wrote on November 29, 2016 at 9:17 pm
Please pray for my friend Jill who has cancer and doctors are reaching the end of their treatment options! Pray for healing!
Please pray for my friend Jill who has cancer and doctors are reaching the end of their treatment options! Pray for healing!... Collapse
Jon from Columbus wrote on November 29, 2016 at 12:53 pm
Please pray for NM she is struggling and is young-- please pray she find a successful, strong path and strong Christian friends- strong Christian to date. She loves the Lord asking Lord to apply Romans 8:28
Please pray for NM she is struggling and is young-- please pray she find a successful, strong path and strong Christian friends- strong Christian to date. She loves the Lord asking Lord to apply Romans 8:28... Collapse
Susan Day from Richardson,Texas wrote on November 29, 2016 at 5:17 am
Please pray for my daughter, Renee'. She is acting erratically, and is super negative. She threatens to hurt herself,although I think she wants attention. Everyone is angry at her because her husband has brain cancer and is on Hospice. She resents him asking for help, even though she loves him so much.She doesn't follow through with paperwork for SSI or Medicade. You have to keep trying and she gives up. Renee' is terrified of of losing Jerry to Glioblastoma Brain Cancer. At best things are crazy. She doesn't have enough help or money. Jerry was soul source of income. Renee'... Read more
Please pray for my daughter, Renee'. She is acting erratically, and is super negative. She threatens to hurt herself,although I think she wants attention. Everyone is angry at her because her husband has brain cancer and is on Hospice. She resents him asking for help, even though she loves him so much.She doesn't follow through with paperwork for SSI or Medicade. You have to keep trying and she gives up. Renee' is terrified of of losing Jerry to Glioblastoma Brain Cancer. At best things are crazy. She doesn't have enough help or money. Jerry was soul source of income. Renee' isn't sleeping because Jerry wakes her all hours of the night.He is partially paralyzed and needs lots of help. He can't walk. Please, please pray for Renee'. She is desperate, needs strength, courage, and peace. Pray her daughter understands her and helps her. Pray for healing for Jerry.... Collapse
Susan Day from Richardson,Texas wrote on November 29, 2016 at 5:14 am
Pray for my mom. She has Dementia, and it's getting worse. She has horrible anger issues. She is living with my sister and she needs to come to my house and give my sister a break. I admit I am scared that I won't be able to handle her. She may have blockages in her legs,per the heart doctor ( she sees him on the 7th), and she is going to a Neurologist on Dec 19th to see if he can help her be better. I JUST WANT MY MOMMA BACK. Please pray for healing for mom. And that we... Read more
Pray for my mom. She has Dementia, and it's getting worse. She has horrible anger issues. She is living with my sister and she needs to come to my house and give my sister a break. I admit I am scared that I won't be able to handle her. She may have blockages in her legs,per the heart doctor ( she sees him on the 7th), and she is going to a Neurologist on Dec 19th to see if he can help her be better. I JUST WANT MY MOMMA BACK. Please pray for healing for mom. And that we can handle her if she comes here. Pray for my sister who has MS.... Collapse
Jacob from Duluth wrote on November 29, 2016 at 12:33 am
On December 16th, 2016 I will be graduating from Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge. After completing Teen Challenge I will begin my job with the Workforce Center in Duluth Minnesota as a janitor at a maintenance building. I do not yet have a place to reside; however through this employment, I intend to obtain a safe home for my son to transition out of foster care and back into my household.
On December 16th, 2016 I will be graduating from Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge. After completing Teen Challenge I will begin my job with the Workforce Center in Duluth Minnesota as a janitor at a maintenance building. I do not yet have a place to reside; however through this employment, I intend to obtain a safe home for my son to transition out of foster care and back into my household. Collapse
Nicole from Harlingen wrote on November 26, 2016 at 8:42 pm
I believe in the power of prayer. God, please bring my girlfriend back to me, to reach out to me, my heart yearns for her. I miss her so much. We need you, God. We need a miracle. Please give us strength, endurance and wisdom. Please give her strength to break the chains of us having a holy marriage. Please set her free of living a lie and to be honest about us with her family. God, please show me to be more like you. I want to serve you. I want to be the best for you and her.... Read more
I believe in the power of prayer. God, please bring my girlfriend back to me, to reach out to me, my heart yearns for her. I miss her so much. We need you, God. We need a miracle. Please give us strength, endurance and wisdom. Please give her strength to break the chains of us having a holy marriage. Please set her free of living a lie and to be honest about us with her family. God, please show me to be more like you. I want to serve you. I want to be the best for you and her. She is my soulmate. I will forever be her always and she will always be my forever. We were looking forward to spending the holidays as a family until a recent situation (which you are aware of Lord), please have the children forgive us. I am now spending the holidays alone, missing them. God, please you promised to be with us in times of trouble. You keep pointing to my girlfriend. She is as beautiful, docile and perfect as you said she is. Please bring her back to me.... Collapse
Wendell wrote on November 26, 2016 at 11:25 am
My friend Christina is suffering from substance abuse and she's had trauma in her life. She has pushed away her friends and family emotionally. She needs prayer and healing prayer. Please I beg of you! God, I just want her to stop suffering!!! No one else that I know is more deserving of a miracle!!! Regards, Wendell
My friend Christina is suffering from substance abuse and she's had trauma in her life. She has pushed away her friends and family emotionally. She needs prayer and healing prayer. Please I beg of you! God, I just want her to stop suffering!!! No one else that I know is more deserving of a miracle!!! Regards, Wendell... Collapse
Ashley from IL wrote on November 24, 2016 at 10:05 pm
I feel like giving up hope. I am tired, weary, confused, stressed and not feeling well. I keep praying and nothing has happened. I keep reaching out of help but people are dismissive to it. I need help mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel like giving up all together. I need a Christian to help me. Please I pray God will make away for me. I need hope because I am over it. In Jesus Name Amen
I feel like giving up hope. I am tired, weary, confused, stressed and not feeling well. I keep praying and nothing has happened. I keep reaching out of help but people are dismissive to it. I need help mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel like giving up all together. I need a Christian to help me. Please I pray God will make away for me. I need hope because I am over it. In Jesus Name Amen... Collapse
WG from Morrow wrote on November 24, 2016 at 2:28 pm
Lord pls grant Happy Thanksgiving to all - we humbly ask that you grant us safety in travel, asking Lord that we don't waste any part of our life or what You have given -grant us success to the work of our hands Ps90:17, enable us to make the most of time, resources, guard words, also have opportunities to touch lives, we plead blood of Jesus over family, allliving thing in home education,health,vehicles,job,home favor protection In Jesus Name AMEN Ps121,Is54:17, 1Jn4:4,2Thess 3:2-3, Rev1:5
Lord pls grant Happy Thanksgiving to all - we humbly ask that you grant us safety in travel, asking Lord that we don't waste any part of our life or what You have given -grant us success to the work of our hands Ps90:17, enable us to make the most of time, resources, guard words, also have opportunities to touch lives, we plead blood of Jesus over family, allliving thing in home education,health,vehicles,job,home favor protection In Jesus Name AMEN Ps121,Is54:17, 1Jn4:4,2Thess 3:2-3, Rev1:5... Collapse
Anonymous wrote on November 23, 2016 at 4:18 am
I pray for my salvation I have been living in sin and I am far away from God. I need to go back to church. I am lost and I pray I truly repent and God will forgive me. I am sorry Lord. I have been hiding stuff but being a hypocritical person and trying to lie about it and hide it. The truth will come out soon and I will not be able to hide it but confront it. Everything I have done. Please if you are a born again Christian please pray for me. I have been under... Read more
I pray for my salvation I have been living in sin and I am far away from God. I need to go back to church. I am lost and I pray I truly repent and God will forgive me. I am sorry Lord. I have been hiding stuff but being a hypocritical person and trying to lie about it and hide it. The truth will come out soon and I will not be able to hide it but confront it. Everything I have done. Please if you are a born again Christian please pray for me. I have been under the Devil for too long and I need to get back to God. I sometimes I feel suicidal and lost. I am sorry God and I pray he forgives me. I do not feel his love anymore and I try to run from my problems. I blame people and I am hiding stuff. I do not know what to do anymore. And I am afraid most of all to be judged and caught. I know God is mad at me. I am tired of crying to sleep at night and I have been hiding stuff from my mom and my bf. It has been almost a week and we have not talked. Plus my mother did not know we were fornicating. I am so embarrassed and ashamed. Please I hope someone helps me. I isolate myself from people and I act paranoid someone is talking about me. My self esteem is low too so it's a lot I struggle with. I cannot keep hiding and running anymore. And I do not know how to go to God either. This is so hard. I am so sorry Jesus. I have lied a lot and with things from my past. Help me be honest. And please forgive me. Amen... Collapse
Lindsey from Lilburn wrote on November 23, 2016 at 3:47 am
Please pray that the Holy Spirit would move on Stephen, Lindsey, Bethany, James, and Susanna in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you and may God bless you!
Please pray that the Holy Spirit would move on Stephen, Lindsey, Bethany, James, and Susanna in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you and may God bless you!... Collapse
Anonymous wrote on November 21, 2016 at 6:23 pm
Lord today I go to my doctors app. I am so broken right now and tired. Hope I can get a Ct of my brain. My bf has not called it' been three days and I am scared to call and embarrassed. His family does not know I suffer with depression and I overthink a lot. Nobody understand how I feel. I suck at relationships and I can never keep a man. I am so broken. Please Lord change me and humble me. I am sorry. I have been crying all night long and I am sad. Everyone is leaving... Read more
Lord today I go to my doctors app. I am so broken right now and tired. Hope I can get a Ct of my brain. My bf has not called it' been three days and I am scared to call and embarrassed. His family does not know I suffer with depression and I overthink a lot. Nobody understand how I feel. I suck at relationships and I can never keep a man. I am so broken. Please Lord change me and humble me. I am sorry. I have been crying all night long and I am sad. Everyone is leaving me or at least it seems that way. I am tired of being heartbroken and a lone. Please Lord forgive me. Help me not to be too hard on myself too. My mind is all messed up. I don't know what to do anymore and I am by myself and taking care of myself. Please Lord help me. In Jesus Name Amen... Collapse
Ignatius wrote on November 21, 2016 at 6:39 am
My name is Ignatius. Please pray me. I need 12 billion for the needs of my life and my family also to finance my education and healing of me from tumor or cancer, kidney, throat, lung, and rectal diseases.
My name is Ignatius. Please pray me. I need 12 billion for the needs of my life and my family also to finance my education and healing of me from tumor or cancer, kidney, throat, lung, and rectal diseases.... Collapse
Ashley from Lynwood wrote on November 21, 2016 at 5:46 am
I need help financial to go see a man for counseling. I do not have enough money from travel expenses, food, hotel and counseling. It's a biblical place and I have seen testimonies of people who have been healed while there. I pray God will make a way for me and I pray in faith he will. I really need this because my health is getting worse. In Jesus Name Amen
I need help financial to go see a man for counseling. I do not have enough money from travel expenses, food, hotel and counseling. It's a biblical place and I have seen testimonies of people who have been healed while there. I pray God will make a way for me and I pray in faith he will. I really need this because my health is getting worse. In Jesus Name Amen... Collapse
Anonymous wrote on November 20, 2016 at 8:32 pm
Lord I am so sad right now. I have not talked to my bf in almost 2 days. I don't know what to do anymore. Then I suffer from depression and no one has been caring towards me or listens. No one cares about my feelings or realizes I am really hurting so I blame myself internally and get angry on the inside. I want to cry so bad because my life is falling apart. I have no one to lean on and I messed up my relationship with my bf. I know his family probably hates me now and... Read more
Lord I am so sad right now. I have not talked to my bf in almost 2 days. I don't know what to do anymore. Then I suffer from depression and no one has been caring towards me or listens. No one cares about my feelings or realizes I am really hurting so I blame myself internally and get angry on the inside. I want to cry so bad because my life is falling apart. I have no one to lean on and I messed up my relationship with my bf. I know his family probably hates me now and sees me as crazy. I have said some hurtful stuff too. Lord I am completely lost. Sometimes I do not know how to pray and to read my bible. I am losing faith too. But I try not too. I play the victim and blame people for my problems. I am so unhappy. I do not remember the last time I was joyous and was happy. My relationship with my mom is not good either. I found out some stuff from my brother yesterday about her relationship with my dad. It hurts me. She can be mean to me and verbally and emotionally abusive. I don't know how to leave her house because I am paranoid and scared I will get hurt or something. Especially some of the words she has told me are still lingering in my head. I seriously need help God. No one can help me except you. Lead me to a place that can help me spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. Not the prosperity gospel or word of faith. I pray for my doctors app tomorrow too. In Jesus Name Amen... Collapse
Lynne from GOODYEAR wrote on November 20, 2016 at 8:09 pm
Please pray that my dear friend, Jay, be restored to health. He has suffered from long term stress due to his job, and has had loss of finances. Please pray he heal from his divorce several years ago. Please pray he and I restore our relationship that was so close, but he drifted away because he feels he has to do this alone.
Please pray that my dear friend, Jay, be restored to health. He has suffered from long term stress due to his job, and has had loss of finances. Please pray he heal from his divorce several years ago. Please pray he and I restore our relationship that was so close, but he drifted away because he feels he has to do this alone.... Collapse
Ashley from IL wrote on November 19, 2016 at 3:15 am
Lord I feel lost. I struggle with my salvation and I have not been going to church. I suffer with emotional pain, mental and confusion. I want to do better but my soul is at anguish. I cannot say I am a Christian at all. When I read my bible it is hard to understand. I am not born again I do believe. Is something wrong? I have an appointment Mon too. I hope I can get all the test done I need and know why I am not feeling so well. I pray for a healing. I feel alone... Read more
Lord I feel lost. I struggle with my salvation and I have not been going to church. I suffer with emotional pain, mental and confusion. I want to do better but my soul is at anguish. I cannot say I am a Christian at all. When I read my bible it is hard to understand. I am not born again I do believe. Is something wrong? I have an appointment Mon too. I hope I can get all the test done I need and know why I am not feeling so well. I pray for a healing. I feel alone Jesus please help me and be by my side. I pray for my bf cousin his gf dumped him two months ago and my bf just told me. When I asked why he seemed hostile we had a argument and I broke up with him. Lord I need some help. Please send your Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost. I feel like my life is spirialing out of control. I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing is going well. I am hurt God. I prat this nothing bad will happen and I get right with you and find you. I do not want to be evil. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen... Collapse
Karen from Longwood wrote on November 18, 2016 at 9:08 pm
Bobby. Stroke. In ICU
Bobby. Stroke. In ICU... Collapse
Charles from Robbinsdale wrote on November 18, 2016 at 3:32 am
I request the Lord heal me, or His Holy Angels, or His Holy Ghost. That His refuah shlema pours out upon me from His great goodness. In Jesus name, Amen.
I request the Lord heal me, or His Holy Angels, or His Holy Ghost. That His refuah shlema pours out upon me from His great goodness. In Jesus name, Amen.... Collapse
Becky from Okc wrote on November 18, 2016 at 1:53 am
Please pray for Elmer H. He was in motercycle wreck he needs healing. He will be taken to surgury in the morning for trachea&peg we ask for all the prayers we can get.
Please pray for Elmer H. He was in motercycle wreck he needs healing. He will be taken to surgury in the morning for trachea&peg we ask for all the prayers we can get.... Collapse
Simon from Williamstown wrote on November 17, 2016 at 1:21 am
A girl named Haley from my youth group, age 14, hung herself, and is currently in Children's Hospital, she needs God to help her, so she can make it through this, and not have brain damage or be a vegetable. God can do it!
A girl named Haley from my youth group, age 14, hung herself, and is currently in Children's Hospital, she needs God to help her, so she can make it through this, and not have brain damage or be a vegetable. God can do it!... Collapse
Mike from Bismark wrote on November 17, 2016 at 12:29 am
Please pray for restoration of my marriage
Please pray for restoration of my marriage... Collapse
Athena from Los Angeles wrote on November 16, 2016 at 9:04 am
I am going for my first Board's exam 12/12/2016 and my second there after. I must pass to be able to work. I have a 4 day a month coaching office that needs clientele increase or I can't survive. My finances are suffering, I need a great income. One of my employers is refusing to pay me the $15,000 he owes me. I battle with my weight also and all of this is bringing me down. Thanks for praying for me!
I am going for my first Board's exam 12/12/2016 and my second there after. I must pass to be able to work. I have a 4 day a month coaching office that needs clientele increase or I can't survive. My finances are suffering, I need a great income. One of my employers is refusing to pay me the $15,000 he owes me. I battle with my weight also and all of this is bringing me down. Thanks for praying for me!... Collapse
B from FL wrote on November 16, 2016 at 5:56 am
Prayer for absolute health and healing from Melva. Give her stamina, focus and wisdom to continue to heal her body, mind and spirit. Thank you God. And so it is!!!!
Prayer for absolute health and healing from Melva. Give her stamina, focus and wisdom to continue to heal her body, mind and spirit. Thank you God. And so it is!!!!... Collapse
H.M.SINGAPPAIAH from NEW PANVEL,NEW MUMBAI wrote on November 16, 2016 at 5:44 am
Bob K from Boulder City wrote on November 15, 2016 at 3:25 pm
Please pray for my good friend Craig's sister Marci. Her cancer has come back and she needs our prayers for healing.
Please pray for my good friend Craig's sister Marci. Her cancer has come back and she needs our prayers for healing.... Collapse
Teresa Carson from Charles Town WV wrote on November 15, 2016 at 1:20 pm
Please pray for healing , peace of mind , strength and wisdom. Have lost over 25lbs and docs think it is a digestive issue or allergy to sulphites. I am hoping for a miracle of healing but know it has to be God's wil for me. Thank you so much
Please pray for healing , peace of mind , strength and wisdom. Have lost over 25lbs and docs think it is a digestive issue or allergy to sulphites. I am hoping for a miracle of healing but know it has to be God's wil for me. Thank you so much... Collapse
Bob K from Boulder City wrote on November 15, 2016 at 3:56 am
Please pray for my wife Margaret who has brain and bone cancer. Heavenly Father I ask you in the name of your beloved son Jesus that you bless my beloved wife Margaret with healing.
Please pray for my wife Margaret who has brain and bone cancer. Heavenly Father I ask you in the name of your beloved son Jesus that you bless my beloved wife Margaret with healing.... Collapse
Charlie from Robbinsdale wrote on November 15, 2016 at 3:25 am
I request prayer for healing please?
I request prayer for healing please?... Collapse